Scroll to see more shifts & complete your submission at the bottom of the page.Click here to scroll down.
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). One of the fields below is a file upload/attachment, the file size must be less than 10MB.First name *
Last name *
Street address *
Street address (line 2)
City *
State *
Zip *
Mobile phone
For example, 123-456-7890
Race or Ethnicity (optional) Check all that apply.
Age range (optional)
Housing status (optional)
Please provide information relevant to your interest in serving on the Charter Commission. If there are multiple openings, you may apply for more than one Board or Commission, but we ask that you complete a separate application for each.
Please describe your interest in serving on the Charter Commission and what assets or expertise you would bring to the group.
Please describe your educational background
Employer: Name
Employer: City, State
Previous employer: Name
Previous employer: City, State
Please describe any professional and/or volunteer experience you have that relates to the work of the Charter Commission
Applicants may also provide a resume in addition to the online application.
Los solicitantes también pueden dar un currículum además de la solicitud en línea.
Codsadayaashu waxay sidoo kale soo gudbin karaan foomka xogta shaqsiga ee kooban marka laga imaado codsiga oonleenka ah.
Upload Resume (PDF format is preferred)
The total size of any/all file uploads must be less than 10MB
The City of Bloomington does not discriminate against a qualified person with a disability or exclude or deny the benefits of its services, programs, or activities to a qualified person because of a disability. The City will provide a reasonable accommodation or modify its policies and programs to allow people with disabilities to participate in all City services, programs, or activities.
La Ciudad de Bloomington no discrimina por discapacidad en la admisión o el acceso, el trato, ni el empleo, en sus servicios, programas o actividades. Previa solicitud, se proporcionarán facilidades para permitir a las personas con discapacidades participar en todos los servicios, programas y actividades de la Ciudad de Bloomington. Previa solicitud, esta información estará disponible en Braille, letra grande, cinta de audio y/o formato electrónico.
Magaalada Bloomington iyadoo ku saleysanysa naafonimo cidna kuma takoorayso helidda ama oggolaanshaha, ama ku daaweynta ama ka shaqeynta, adeegyadeeda, barnaamijyadeeda, ama waxqabadyadeeda. Haddii la codsado, degaan ayaa la bixinayaa si loogu oggolaado shaqsiyaadka leh naafonimo si ay uga qaybqaataan dhammaan adeegyada, barnaamijyada, iyo waxqabadyada ka jira Magaalada Bloomington. Haddii la codsado, xogtan waxaa loo heli karaa ayadoo farta ay indhooleyaasha akhrin karaan ah, daabacaad wayn, cajalad maqal iyo/ama qaab elektiroonik ah.
DATA PRIVACY NOTICE: The City of Bloomington will use information you provide on this form to process your application for appointment to a City board or commission. Some of the requested information may be public or private data. Private data is available to you and City employees who need to have this information to perform their duties. The City will not share your private data with the public. The City may share private data as required by law. You are not legally required to provide this information, but if you do not provide it, the City may not be able to process your boards or commissions application
AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD DE INFORMACIÓN: La Ciudad de Bloomington usará la información que dé en este formulario para procesar su solicitud de nombramiento para una junta o comisión de la Ciudad. Parte de la información solicitada puede ser información pública o privada. La información privada está disponible para usted y los empleados de la Ciudad que necesitan tener esta información para hacer sus funciones. La Ciudad no compartirá sus información privada con el público. La Ciudad podrá compartir información privada según lo exige la ley. No está obligado legalmente a dar esta información, pero si no la da, es posible que la Ciudad no pueda procesar su solicitud de comisiones o juntas.
OGEYSIISKA XOGTA SHAQSIGA: Magaalada Bloomington waxay xogta aad foomkaan ku qorto u adeegsan doontaa si ay uga baaran degto balanta codsigaaga ku aadan Guddiga ama Gollaha Magaalada. Qaar kamid ah macluumaadka lagaa codsaday waxay noqon karaan kuwo aan qorsooneyn ama kuwo qarsoodi ah. Xogta gaarka waxaa heli kara adiga iyo shaqaalaha Magaalada ee u baahan inay shaqadooda ku qabtaan. Magaaladu lama wadaageyso xogtaada gaarka ah dad waynaha. Magaalada waxay xogtaada gaarka ah la wadaagi kartaa cid kale sida sharcigu qabo. Sharci ahaan lagaama doonaayo inaad bixiso macluumaadkaan, laakiin haddii aadan bixin, Magaalada waxaa laga yabaa inay awoodi wayso inay siiwado codsigaaga gollaha iyo guddiga.
I am interested in volunteering my services to the City of Bloomington. If I do volunteer, I understand that I will not be an employee of the City of Bloomington and am not guaranteed future employment. I certify that all the information I have provided on this application is truthful, accurate and complete.
Formulario de envío: Estoy interesado en prestar mis servicios como voluntario a la Ciudad de Bloomington. Si me presento como voluntario, entiendo que no seré un empleado de la Ciudad de Bloomington y no se me garantiza un empleo futuro. Con mi firma certifico que la información que di en esta solicitud es verdadera y está completa.
Oggolaanshaha Dirida: Waxaan xiiseynayaa inaan si mutadawacnimo ah ugu tabaruco adeegyadayda Magaalada Bloomington. Haddii aan sameeyo mutadawacnimo, waxaan fahansanahay inaan noqoneyn shaqaalaha Magaalad Bloomington aana haysan damaanad qaadid shaqo mustaqbalka. Waxaan qirayaa dhammaan macluumaadka aan ku bixiyay codsigaan inay yihiin run, sax ayna buuxaan.
Submission Agreement *
How did you learn about volunteer opportunities with the City of Bloomington? *
Other: How did you learn about volunteer opportunities with the City of Bloomington? *